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Catch up with what has happened in the past


YouTube Presentations

Catch up on Dr. Joseph Toscano's past YouTube presentations

Monthly Perspective


You are invited
(Summer edition 2024/25) 

For too long the public have been excluded from social, political and economic discourse. Today, you are formally invited to make a change and have your voice heard.


Corporations: the silent takeover 

(Summer edition 2024)

Corporate control is well established, we have just failed to realise it.

Misinformation and the mainstream media

(Autumn edition 2024)

How the mainstream media manufactures reality, and maintains the status quo.

Conform to the norm?

(Winter edition 2024) 

How collective illusions misguide the public, and how we can dismantle them.  

The fear agenda 

(Spring edition 2024) 

Fear keeps us off balance, compliant and docile. How real are the fears we face today?  


Question authority

(September 2023)

Dare to question, dare to understand. Questioning authority is the lifeblood of a vibrant democracy 

Government or management?

(October 2023)

When did governing society turn into managing society? And what does it mean for the public?  

Stuck in a loop?

(November 2023) 

Are we living in a loop that cycles through the same old politics, the same old economics and the same old ideas?  

2023: You be the judge

(December 2023)

2023: Did we experience a leap forward or more of the same?
You be the judge.

The economics of surveillance

(May 2023)

The commodification of our private data  is on a crash course with democracy. 

The war agenda 

(June 2023)

We are being groomed for the next war which is not in the interests of Australia.

Dear customer

(July 2023) 

The transformation from citizens to customers has a tragic ending if permitted to continue. 

Apathy is not an option

(August 2023)

Apathy has a stake in our future, and it is to keep the status quo firmly in place. 

Time to change course 

(January 2023)

The hollow nature of change and the need for real social and political change for 2023

Who sets the agenda? 

(February 2023)

Does the dominant narrative manufacture ignorance? Are our values real or imagined?

Education or schooling

(March 2023) 

Changes in education are causing a shift from being taught how to think, to what to think.  

The ailing health of Medicare 

(April 2023)

Medicare is suffering from neglect. Have we taken universal healthcare for granted? 


Geopolitics and globalisation

(September 2022)

what is the impact of globalisation, and how has it shaped the precarious international relations environment.

Centralisation of power

(October 2022)

This edition analyses the centralisation of power and the role of corporations in the administration of society. change it?

Resignation or reinvigoration?

(November 2022) 

Who benefits from the endless cycle of crisis and catastrophe? What are the challenges posed by by political apathy and resignation? 

Moment of clarity 

(December 2022)

This month’s edition reviews political and corporate leadership and why we are at the crossroads of crisis. It is time for change.

Decade of disgrace

(May 2022)

This edition reviews the past decade, and the wasted opportunities by the government and opposition. 

The value of change

(June 2022)

The importance of values and accountability in government and political life.

The ugly history of privatisation 

(July 2022) 

This edition analyses the privatisation train wreck that has smashed through society.

The neoliberal monoculture

(August 2022)

How the neoliberal ideology has entrenched itself into power. 

Change can happen now

(January 2022)

This month's edition reviews 2021 and highlights the need for practical change 

Courage and common sense

(February 2022)

This edition puts the 2022 election in focus, and the shift towards a national security campaign. 

Politics is not an option

(March 2022) 

Change begins with politics. It needs to be at the forefront of our minds. 

Fog of war

(April 2022)

This edition focuses on the profits of war, the federal budget and the need for voters to think critically


A green future or greenwash

(September 2021)

Australia: two futures, one choice

(October 2021)

Demand better, demand change

(November 2021)

Truth and politics

(December 2021)  

Oligarchs and Us

(May 2021)

Public health or economic growth

(June 2021)

Recycle, reuse and reject

(July 2021) 

Don't be distracted

(August 2021)

Action or atrophy: 2021 is in your hands

(January 2021)

Education and the future

(February 2021)

While you were looking the other way

(March 2021)

Delusion, disconnection and downright deception

(April 2021)


Public interests Vs corporations and the superrich
(September 2020)

We have options

(October 2020)

The economy, education and real options 

(November 2020)

Neoliberalism: the invisible ideology 

(December 2020)

Reclaiming the future 

(May 2020)

Smoke signals from abroad

(June 2020)

Recycle, reuse and reject

(July 2020)

Imagination, vision and disconnection

(August 2020)


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